Massage is the art of using natural therapies. Using fingers several generation ago. The massage and other techniques can be used to create happiness. And some of the treatment In order to achieve the magic of medicine. How massage can be especially And in accordance with the order.
The massage begins with the experience. Whether the massage will take 15 or 60 minutes of exposure and can cause slow rhythm of the massage. Then use the press relieving Not only are the massages are only But also the entire body relax. More then a massage with deep pressure massage and compression. To release stress on the muscles to squeeze open a massage muscle massage, and then use that strength to relax and polishing. Stress that more deeply into. Preparation of the body this way. Is advantageous Because if the muscles do not warm enough. Will feel comfortable on the massage rub End to end with the press and massage the body to handle. Just as we began the first time. Massage this step not only common sense only. But also Massage and Massage Therapy. Since the initial period of human evolution is that human nature in general and often use a touch of compression massage on the contraction of muscles or the discomfort. The first session that The pain which will direct compression massage Presses the painful area. Without teaching Is learning by instinct. Later, people began to remember. And the system of Experience and learn how to pat the press more comfortable. Become a massage and a structured course.
Massage is the art of maintaining the intuition using the fingers to press deeply to stimulate blood circulation. Increase circulation of lymph Destroy the clotting that occurs in muscle fibers. Reduce and stop the pain by massage can be passed down to depth from skin to muscle. Or may be the bone And a good massage to press deeper into the fine points to the right. This massage is called. "The Majestic Massage Olivier" (oristic) or "intuitive massages" but that will be easily known. "Massage."
Massage for Health. For each patient in the overall appearance rather than to mark one of the body movements of massage often than lazy. And concentration over Massage for Health. Attitude and communication between providers and recipients have the highest priority to. Treatment "recipient" will be relaxed. But be alert focusing on the experience that are "providers" or "the massage" will be focusing and a good attitude in keeping with a massage at most also the recipient will feel as though pressing massage action. contiguous with. Flow and rhythm to the massage all the while waiting to ask the massage that feels good or not, but should try to avoid verbal communication. Since speaking to pull focus from the hand. The more pressing slowly and rhythmically more closely. I will be doing the massage feeling relaxed and more secure only.
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