Sunday, September 5, 2010

Primarily for self-help relaxation

People often because the turned their attention health And find ways to keep health care provider. And strong at all เเ Vladimir. Because of various diseases are now many divers. And ugliness Including ways to keep it difficult and expensive for more and more new diseases arise.
Therefore, prevention is better than change ".
Most people tend to stress themselves by knowing it. Or the pain from the use of various organs on a regular basis. This is called "pain and Shin, Paul can not hurt as much as the body to stand. The disease will be different whether the disease office syndrome "disease slow hands" migraine disease "disease paralysis" paralysis "These diseases are caused by stress. And dissolution of the human body. Which are not taken care of.
Everyone initial symptoms can take care of themselves before. Traditional Thai medicine is based on principle. You can take hot water to compress the painful area. Or soak feet in hot water So that the body is relaxed. (Because the foot is the nerve center of the entire human body).
Soaking the feet in hot water. Line in the body will be relaxed preliminary And allows the body to reduce stress on every level that you can take care of themselves during the time period as the evening TV. Or at night while at a cream Or while going to sleep during the day. Every time these persons were able to help themselves.
Clean drinking water heater. Water or herbs. Is another alternative that can help the body to be relaxed. From the smell of herbs. Drinking water and warm subtropical to reduce fat in the bloodstream. Including diet drinks together at least a second glass.
This is the basic solution at all, you'll be able to view and own.

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